Deviations from Rayleigh's law

Our goal is to reproduce Figure 2 from the paper Cottier et all, 2019, where the authors studied the statistics of the scattered light, and found that the variance of the intensity distribution deviates from the expected Rayleigh's law.

Step 1 - Use distributed resources

This step is optional, but if you have a lot of memory of cpu cores, is a good ideia to use it. Since this is optional, if you don't have a cluster to test, just comment the lines related to addprocs

using CairoMakie, LinearAlgebra
using Statistics: mean, var
using StatsBase: fit, normalize, Histogram

    exeflags=`--project=$(Base.active_project()) --threads 4`, 

@everywhere begin
    using CoupledDipoles, Random, Dagger

    function produce_intensities(rep, N, L, w₀, s, Δ, sensors)
        Random.seed!(1134 + rep)
        atoms = Atom(Cube(), N, L)
        laser = Laser(Gaussian3D(w₀), s, Δ)
        simulation = LinearOptics(Scalar(), atoms, laser)
        βₙ = steady_state(simulation)
        intensities = scattered_intensity(simulation, βₙ, sensors; regime = :far_field)
        return intensities

Step 2 - Setup Parameters

We use the exact configuration parameters from the paper. You will notice may Warning messages. This happen because a small laser waist leads to unreasonable results.

If you are studying Cottier's paper, note that the results from the paper are not accurate due to its small laser waist, even though they general paper's message is still correct.

### ------------ ATOMS SPECS ---------------------
L = 32.4
N = [684, 6066]

### ------------ LASER SPECS ---------------------
Δ = 1.0
s = 1e-6
w₀ = L / 4

### ------------ SIMULATION SPECS ---------------------
sensors = get_sensors_ring(; num_pts = 720, kR = 300, θ = 5π / 12)
maxRep = 15

Step 3 - Produce Intensities

For each atom number N, create maxRep atomic configurations, compute their state states, and scattered light intensity. The normalization over the mean comes from the paper.

all_intensities = map(N) do N
    _intensities = map(1:maxRep) do rep
        Dagger.@spawn produce_intensities(rep, N, L, w₀, s, Δ, sensors)

    many_intensities = fetch.(_intensities)
    many_intensities = reduce(vcat, many_intensities)
    all_intensities_over_mean = many_intensities ./ mean(many_intensities)


Step 4 - Histograms

Instead of ploting histogram for each particle number, we are interested in the data from the histogram to display it in a scatter plot. Also, this is the moment to compute the variance of all intensities.

bins = 10.0 .^ range(log10(1e-6), log10(75); length = 30)

xy_data = map(eachindex(N)) do n
    h = fit(Histogram, all_intensities[n], bins)

    h_norm = normalize(h; mode = :pdf)
    bins_edges = collect(h_norm.edges[1])
    bins_centers = [sqrt(bins_edges[i] * bins_edges[i+1]) for i = 1:(length(bins_edges)-1)]
    variance = var(all_intensities[n])

    # x_data_histogram, y_data_histogram, variance
    (bins_centers, h_norm.weights, variance)

Step 5 - Plot

Overlay the Distribution Probability in a single figure.

The begin-end structure is just to facilitate the Figure development for the user. It is easier to just run the block at once at every little plot tweak, than select and run everything all the time.

    fig = Figure(size = (800, 450))
    ax = Axis(
        fig[1, 1],
        xlabel = "Intensity",
        ylabel = "Probability Distribution",
        title = "",
        xlabelsize = 25,
        ylabelsize = 25,
        xticklabelsize = 20,
        yticklabelsize = 20,
        xscale = log10,
        yscale = log10,

    ## theoretical curve
    x_ray = range(0.01, 50; step = 0.15)
    y_ray = exp.(-x_ray)
    lines!(ax, x_ray, y_ray, linestyle = :dash, label = "Rayleigh", color = :black, linewidth = 4)

    for n = 1:2
        x = xy_data[n][1]
        y = xy_data[n][2]
        v = xy_data[n][3] # variance
        notNull = findall(y .> 0)
            label = "N=$(N[n]), Variance = $( round(v,digits=3 ))",
            marker = :circle,
            markersize = 20,
    ylims!(1e-6, 10)
    xlims!(1e-1, 100)
    axislegend(position = :rt, labelsize = 20)"rayleigh_deviation.png", fig)

Rayleigh Deviation