
How to verify if a mode is localized or not is, at ultimate case, a visual inspection task. In 3D this task is particually challenging to understand and interpret. For instance, we could for instance scale the color of size of each marker accoriding to $|\Psi_j|^2$, which is shown in figures (a)-(c).

However, a better approach is to define the distance of the atoms from the mode's center of mass, using $|\Psi_j|^2$ as weights, the results are show in (d)-(f) .The function spatial_profile_single_mode provides that for you.

Verifying if a mode is localized or not is primarily a visual inspection task. In 3D, this task can be particularly challenging to understand and interpret. For example, we could scale the color or size of each marker according to $|\Psi_j|^2$, as shown in figures (a)-(c). A more clear visualization is to define the distance of the atoms from the mode’s center of mass, using $|\Psi_j|^2$ as weights. The results are shown in figures (d)-(f). The function spatial_profile_single_mode provides this for you.

Another approach is to check the Inverse Participation Ratio, IPR, which you can also access them via get_IPRs.

Alt text

using CoupledDipoles, Random, FileIO, CairoMakie, ColorSchemes

N, ρk⁻³ = 2000, 1.0
atoms = Atom(CoupledDipoles.Sphere(), sphere_inputs(N, ρk⁻³)...)

s, Δ = exp10(-5), 1.0
laser = Laser(PlaneWave3D(), s, Δ)

prob = LinearOptics(Scalar(), atoms, laser)
modes = classify_modes(prob) # this functions is likely to suffer changes on its classification algorithm

fig = with_theme(theme_latexfonts()) do
    cmap = cgrad(colorschemes[:tableau_red_black_white], 15, categorical = true, rev=false)
    xs, ys, zs = prob.atoms.r[1, :], prob.atoms.r[2, :], prob.atoms.r[3, :]
    loc_idx = modes.loc[end-5]
    sub_idx = modes.sub[4]
    super_idx = modes.super[4]

    fig = Figure(size = (900, 450), fontsize=20)
    axs_3d = [Axis3(
            xlabel = L"x",
            ylabel = L"y",
            zlabel = L"z",
            aspect = (1,1,1)
        ) for i in 1:3]
    axs_2d = [Axis(
            xlabel = L"|\mathbf{r}_j - \mathbf{r}_{cm}|",
            ylabel = L"|\psi|^2",
            aspect = 1,
            xticks = WilkinsonTicks(4),
        ) for i in 1:3]

    for (ax_3d, ax_2d, figIdx, title) in zip(axs_3d, axs_2d, [loc_idx, sub_idx, super_idx], ["LOC","SUB","SUPER"])
        ax_3d.title = title

        x, y = spatial_profile_single_mode(prob, figIdx)
        ynorm = (y .- minimum(y))./(maximum(y) - minimum(y)) # normalization between 0 and 1 for vizualization only

        ψ²ₙ = CoupledDipoles.get_ψ²(prob, figIdx) # I could use `eigenvectors(prob)` to select the mode I want
        r_cm = CoupledDipoles.coordinates_of_center_of_mass(prob.atoms.r, ψ²ₙ )

        # (a) - (c)
        scatter!(ax_3d, xs, ys, zs, markersize = 20ynorm, color = ynorm, transparency=true, colormap=cmap )
        scatter!(ax_3d, [r_cm[1]], [r_cm[2]], [r_cm[3]], markersize = 25, color = "#5b8fbc", marker=:xcross)

        # (d) - (f)
        scatter!(ax_2d, x, y, markersize = 10, color = ynorm, transparency=false, colormap=cmap )
        ylims!(ax_2d, 1e-15, 10)

    for (label, layout) in zip(["(a)", "(b)", "(c)", "(d)", "(e)","(f)"], [fig[1,1], fig[1,2], fig[1,3], fig[2,1],fig[2,2],fig[2,3]])
		Label(layout[1, 1, TopLeft()], label,
			fontsize = 15,
			font = :bold,
			padding = (0, 5, 5, 0),


FileIO.save("modesComparison.png", fig)

get_IPRs(problem; forceComputation=false)

Inverse Participation Ratio is computed with ∑Ψ⁴ / ( ∑Ψ² )² for each mode

get_PRs(problem; forceComputation=false)

Participation Ratio is computed with ( ∑Ψ² )² / ∑Ψ⁴ for each mode
